Bad Sam’s Report: Dick Cheney’s bizarre actions on 9-11

Cheney ordered 9-11 Stand down Orders:
On May 23 of 2003, the 9-11 Commission was underway in Washington. This commission had been vigorously opposed by the President and Vice President, but was insisted upon by congress under pressure by the public. President Bush reluctantly agreed to testify, but only under two strange conditions: 1. That he would not be under oath; and 2. That the Vice President would be by his side during any questioning.
But the most explosive testimony given to the commission was not that given by Cheney or Bush, but rather the testimony of the Secretary of Transportation, Norman Mineta. This relatively minor official’s testimony was so damaging to the official 9-11 story that he resigned on the very day it became public. What did Mineta say to the 9-11 Commission that was so important?
Mineta testified that on 9-11 he arrived at the Presidential Emergency Operations Center in the basement under the White House at 9:20 a.m. Vice President Cheney was already there. This timeline is important because if Cheney arrived at 10 a.m. it would have been about 20 minutes after the Pentagon was allegedly struck by a hijacked airplane at 9:38 a.m., too late for him to authorize the Air Force to shoot it down.
Mineta’s account is also supported by Vice President Cheney himself, who told a reporter that the plane struck the Pentagon “some time after” he had arrived in the command center.
Mineta testified “During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, ‘the plane is 50 miles out, the plane is 30 miles out.’ And when it got to ‘the plane is 10 miles out’, the young man also said to the Vice President, ‘Do the orders still stand?’ And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said ‘Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?'”
Since the airplane which struck the Pentagon was not intercepted and destroyed, even though the vice president knew of it, “the orders” must have been to allow the plane to continue on course toward the Pentagon – what is called a “stand down“ order. The questioning by the junior officer whether “the orders still stand” had to have been about whether a standing order NOT to destroy the incoming plane still stood.
Given the two known prior attacks earlier that morning against the Twin Towers using commercial airliners as weapons, an order to destroy the plane approaching the Pentagon would be the only sensible order to give, and would not have been subject to question by a junior officer as the plane approached. Furthermore, had Cheney’s order been to fire on the plane approaching the Pentagon (which first passed at a low altitude very near the White House), the anti-missile and anti-aircraft capacity of the Pentagon or White House would have sufficed to take out that plane, or at least they would have fired on it. Neither occurred, and since Mineta does not speak of a last-second change by Cheney, the only supportable conclusion is that Cheney’s order was to NOT defend the Pentagon, an order so contrary to both common sense and military defense that it, and it alone, explains the repeated questioning by the junior officer.
If the standing order given by the Vice President prior to the aircraft hitting the Pentagon was not a stand down order, then what was the order referred to by Mineta?
Perhaps it was the danger of this question that caused Vice President Cheney to testify to the Commission along with the President in closed session, with no transcript, no witnesses, and no public accountability. Remember, Cheney resisted testifying to the very end.
But here is the Smoking Gun: Suppose Cheney did issue orders to shoot down the commercial plane headed toward Washington. If Cheney did give a sincere shoot-down order, then he must have done so before Flight 77 was 50 miles out, since the orders were already “standing” at 50 miles. That means fighter jets should have had time to reach Flight 77 since they were already standing by. But they didn’t, which proves that Cheney’s orders were a stand down.
Later, at ten miles out, why would the young man in the bunker with Cheney even ask if the orders still stood when there were no fighter planes close enough to reach Flight 77 in time? At 10 miles out Flight 77 was already much too close to its target. The young man was obviously watching a radar screen in order to know the location of Flight 77. That means he would also have known the location of any fighter jets within range to intercept it. If they really were still too far away to shoot it down, then why even bother asking the vice president about the shoot-down orders in a tone that seems to imply regret or hesitation?
The 9-11 commission took the position that Mineta was mistaken, that the plane Cheney and the junior officer were discussing was Flight 93, which fell in Pennsylvania almost an hour later, and that Mineta had his times mixed up. Sorry, but Flight 93 never got within 125 miles of the White House – let alone 50 or 10 miles out.
Mineta resigned on June 26, 2003 – twelve hours after his testimony was cited in an interview on the Fox News Channel. Mineta resigned for no official reason. The real reason he stepped aside was because the administration didn’t want him in a public position where he’d have to respond to questions from reporters. By having him resign he became a private citizen, no longer obligated to respond to public inquiries. And he hasn’t. And he never will.
Cheney apparently ordered a stand down and let the Pentagon get hit. It’s the only explanation for the testimony and resignation of Norman Mineta. It’s the only explanation for the Pentagon to get hit at all with all of the air defenses in place on that day. It’s the only explanation for why the President and Vice President wouldn’t swear under oath what happened, and why they fought so hard to prevent the 9-11 Commission from ever being established. The only thing they are afraid of is that the public will someday find out the truth.
Why would our own government be behind the 9-11 attacks, or at least allow them to happen?
Three buildings filled with asbestos were demolished on that day, along with a faulty new wing of the Pentagon, so whoever was responsible for the attacks did a huge financial favor for the City of New York and the Department of Defense. In addition, all of that cancer-causing asbestos was the responsibility of Halliburton, which owned the company that manufactured it, so 9-11 was also a giant gift to Halliburton, saving them tens of millions of dollars, and later providing them with a cornucopia of open-ended war contracts that continue to this day.
The events also provided an excuse to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, thus giving the United States military control over areas containing 1/3 of the world’s producing oil wells.
It allowed our government to pour trillions of dollars into guns, bombs, and bullets, enriching the military industrial complex.
It was a Machiavellian stroke of genius which also allowed the government to start ignoring the Constitution, using torture, kidnapping, and illegal spying on citizens, all in the name of security.
For most of us, 9-11 was a very bad day. For those who could have stopped it, it was a windfall.
Now that you know, that’s one more person they’ll have to kill.  (GATOR)

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